No War Please

Crab on my Platter

My focus of panic shifted from the job loss I suffered to the Russian Invasion in Ukraine. The plight of people who are suffering from the attack is blowing me off adding woes to my sleepless nights.

We know that war always threaten the economy of both the countries and when a super power is involved, then it will definitely it will impact the whole world. CNBC is saying that Russia’s Ukraine incursion could complicate the Federal Reserve’s interest rate decisions. This is in global perspectives, now at local perspective it will reduce my chances of fetching a new job!!!

India and Russia are having good economic ties, there will be impact. This conflict would disrupt global supply chains, putting upward pressure on prices while pushing down economic growth in our country also. There will be a price rise in every walk of life. The impact on the economy of India will be much higher than what the country is faced during Covid-19 pandemic.

The very first impact as been in news is the rise of petroleum products. This is certainly going to affect the cost of logistic movements of products all over the world and India. Naturally the cost of export and import will affect and also will impact the cost of local products. Ultimately this disturbance will have a longer impact to our lives too!

I still wonder whether my opinion will count after writing this blog? Who is gong to listen to my voice? I don’t want death of soldiers and the citizens. I still wonder what the need is to fight for territory as I am a normal human being. Does this mean I am a poor leader? Praying for Peace in #Ukraine and #Russia.
