
Those who want War…Don’t Go to the Battle Field!


No War Please

This is an interesting quote written in Bengali (an Indian language of Eastern part of India).  The translated version says “Those who go to the battle field, do not want the War… Those who want the War, Never go to the Battle Field!”.

Those who want War, Don't go to battle field

  Interesting quote moving inside my mind as a Crab and crawling in my Platter i.e. my Life! 

If we ask any passerby or friend, do u want a war, he will definitely say ‘No”! Then why we choose to fight a blood bath?! There can be many reasons to justify for those who are involved or being forced to indulge. May be we don’t know the reason and we are the people who are far away even from different continent.

A video game of fight can be interesting for those who sit in the air conditioned room, but it is a horror who are in the battle field. If we think of the normal people who are not involved in any gun fight and face the bullets or come under shelling! I wonder who can justify this act!

The war always means blood bath and destruction. The vibration and bitterness is carried over in generations. We still talk of World War I and World War II.  We talk of genocide; we talk of people who were ruthless and brute during that period. I don’t know what is the excitement in discussing these episodes and what are the learnings we had after reading history books!

This is the generation of Internet, we have the tool to write and throw whatever we want to tell and express anything. Then what can be the worth of not conveying the message that please don’t kill people, don’t create situations where people have to take refuge elsewhere!

My post is just a blog, I can’t force anyone to stop the fight, I don’t want to go to the reasons for the initiation of fight.  Let’s spread the message of “Live and Let Live”, because the Earth has enough capacity to control and punish anything it feels wrong either it is pollution or felling of trees. Any cyclone can wipe of cities and flood can displace people to be rehabilitated at other places. I would urge everyone who are involve in this to think over and find alternative ways to find a solution to the issues. Don’t kill people, who were living peacefully!

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